Larry A. Law
The Wild Animal Market Theory
Mainstream media wanted the public to believe that a wild bat virus somehow evolved, recombining its genes with a second wild animal called a pangolin (a type of anteater). This combination made the virus more infectious. Following this miraculous recombination, the SARS-CoV-2 virus mutated again and somehow gained the ability to infect humans leading to a global pandemic. If this theory was true, government officials could have easily provided the evidence that always accompanies these rare animal-to-human mutations. in nature, this complex cross-species recombination takes decades to evolve before infecting the first human and even more time before becoming highly infectious. The cover-up was demonstrated by how vehemently people who challenged the official story were berated. Charges of conspiracy theorist were made and their posts were banned from social media. A growing arsenal of synthetic viruses have been engineered in biowarfare/biodefense labs despite US and international laws banning biowarfare weapons and experimentation. One of these labs turned out to be in Wuhan (random coincidence?) and was funded by Dr. Anthony Fauci under the auspices of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) EcoHealth Alliance led by Peter Daszak. Daszak's alliance provided the money for the reckless gain-of-function experimentation at the Wuhan lab. These types of labs are often badly managed and prone to accidents. Thousands of bat viruses were stored at Wuhan and some of them had been weaponized.
Another part of the cover-up included the systematic destruction of forensic evidence. Tests and samples taken from the Wuhan market were lost. Chinese scientists who pointed out that the virus was likely a lab release were censored by the Chinese government and conveniently "disappeared." Data sets in published papers were secretly altered without notice of correction. 300 coronavirus studies from the Chinese database were deleted. The Lancet published a statement signed by 27 scientific researchers on February 18, 2020 strongly condemning "conspiracy theories" that suggested COVID-19 didn't have natural origins. A year later emails were obtained showing that Daszak organized this supposedly scientific assessment. This calls into question the credibility of scientific journals like The Lancet. For months, mainstream media ignored scientific reports that no animals at the Wuhan market had ever tested positive for COVID-19 or that one-third of human COVID-19 cases had no connection whatsoever with the market, including the very first reported case of COVID. Numerous people stated that no bats were sold or eaten at the market. In fact, the nearest bat cavern was 600 miles away and the bats were in hibernation during the outbreak. In January 2020, a Beijing newspaper reported that "patient zero," the first victim of COVID-19, was Huan Yaling, a scientist at the Wuhan Institute of Virology! This report was later removed from the internet. Authorities in Wuhan tried to delay admitting that SARS had emerged in Wuhan and was highly transmissible. The World Health Organization (WHO) (which is heavily influenced by China) delayed letting the world know the severity of the virus until February 19, 2020, despite warnings from some repressed/censored Chinese scientists bravely trying to get the word out in November/December timeframe.
Irrefutable Points
1) None of the first four patients with the earliest version of the virus picked it up from the market. Scientists tested 457 animals from the market and all were negative for the virus. Another 616 animals from suppliers were tested and all were negative. Out of the 1,864 wild animals associated with the Hunan market in Wuhan, all were negative for COVID-19. 2) Scientists tested 80,000 samples from 209 different species, but the virus was not found in a single specimen. Just considering these first two points, the probability of getting the virus from the market is 1 in 1,000,000. The probability it originated from the lab is 99.9% 3) Scientists testd all 9,952 human blood samples from Wuhan hospitals and not a single one had the virus before December 29, 2019. 100 to 400 should have been positive if the virus came from the market. 4) There is no evidence of animal-to-human transmission. In prior coronavirus outbreaks like SARS-1 and MERS, 50% to 90% of the early cases clearly linked back to various animal-to-human interactions. For SARs-CoV-2, all 249 early cases of COVID-19 were human-to-human transmissions. 5) The clincher is two unique glycobiology factors which are the fingerprints of a gain-of-function (GOF) experiment: a unique trigger on the surface called a furin cleavage site and a unique code in genes for that site (a CGG-CGG dimer). These two facts represent the smoking gun proving SARS-CoV-2 was created in a lab. While viruses like Ebola, HIV, zika, and yellow fever have furin sites, no coronavirus in the entire family of SARS has ever had this quality. This one fact represents a 99.5% likelihood that the virus was lab-engineered. Since 1992, labs like Wuhan have inserted furin sites into viruses repeatedly as part of GOF experiments. It is the only method that always works and makes the virus more infectious. This is exactly what makes SARS-CoV-2 so unusually and unexpectedly infectious. "To gain entry into human cells, the virus binds to the ACE2 glycoprotein receptor. Next, the S2 spike protein subunit is cleaved (cut). Without this cut, the virus would only attach to the receptor, but it would not be able to gain entry to the cell. The furin site is why the virus is so transmissible and why it invades the heart, the brain, and the blood vessels," Quay explained. 6) SARS-CoV-2 was optimized for human transmission. When SARS-1 first jumped into humans, it had only 17% of the changes needed to cause an epidemic. How was SARS-CoV-2 made to infect humans so efficiently? It had to be genetically engineered in the Wuhan lab as part of their GOF experiments. Modern genetic engineering techniques (seamless technology) can create new viral entities without leaving any trace that they were manipulated. How did the virus get four unique amino acid segments perfectly placed in the genome to enable furin and other enzymes in the human body to dissolve its viral coating so it can penetrate human cells and start to replicate? Why does the spike protein bind more strongly with human ACE2 receptors than with those of any other species? A virus that mutated from animals would have the highest affinity-binding for the original host species (the bat) and lower binding power for later hosts. But this virus comes on the scene instantaneously with powerful human binding capability. This virus appears in the same neighborhood where Chinese scientists, in a joint US/China partnership, were collecting bat viruses from the wild, then weaponizing them in several badly managed, accident-prone labs, under the guise of biomedicine and vaccine research. They want us to believe a billion to one coincidence—that it came naturally? Why the cover-up? To hide the illegal GOF funding orchestrated by the NIH. Dr. Fauci, Daszak, and China are the true initiators and should be held responsible for the events leading to the countless deaths associated with this global pandemic.
Congressional Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic
Published by the Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic on December 2, 2024, this 500+ page report concludes a 2-year investigation and documents lessons learned and the path forward. This report also concludes that COVID-19 most likely emerged from a laboratory in Wuhan, China.
Down the COVID-19 Rabbit Hole
This book is a scientific masterpiece. Down the COVID-19 Rabbit Hole discusses the widespread misuse of science during the pandemic, the likely origin of COVID-19 (Wuhan Lab), the pathophysiology of the disease itself, and the harms associated with the various vaccines that have been produced, particularly those based on the novel mRNA platforms. This book also looks at the widespread failure of the health professions to adequately understand and treat the disease and the consequences of the vaccines, the apparently agenda-driven responses of various governments, and the inability of the legal system to understand the implications for natural and civil rights. The book also considers how most of the mainstream media largely became a propaganda tool for reigning governments. Page 180 in the book on the development of immune tolerance does a fantastic job explaining why highly-vaccinated individuals still suffer frequent re-infections—they have damaged their natural immunity against the SARS-CoV-2 virus and other coronaviruses. Because of this limited efficacy and damage to the body's immune response capability, the authors conclude, "On this basis alone, the use of these products must be called into question."
1/21/2025 07:45:22 am
So terrible. And no repercussions for Fauci now.
Larry Law
1/21/2025 06:28:57 pm
Good point, Kelsie! I'm hoping that in spite of President Biden's pre-emptive pardon, that Congress will still prove his duplicity despite not being able to bring charges against him. Then, the world can still know about his crimes.
1/22/2025 02:59:37 pm
Larry I thank you sooooo much for keeping us informed as the virus was coming upon us. I was glad to know that I didnt have to get vacinated, and your incouragement to keeep our immune systems in good order
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