Larry A. Law
Dr. Vanden Bossche stated, "As a dedicated virologist and vaccine expert I only make an exception when health authorities allow vaccines to be administered in ways that threaten public health, most certainly when scientific evidence is being ignored. The present extremely critical situation forces me to spread this emergency call. As the unprecedented extent of human intervention in the COVID-19 pandemic is now at risk of resulting in a global catastrophe without equal, this call cannot sound loudly and strongly enough. Sufficient scientific evidence has been brought to the table. Unfortunately, it remains untouched by those who have the power to act. How long can one ignore the problem when there is at present massive evidence the viral immune escape is now threatening humanity? We can hardly say we didn't know--or were not warned. In this agonizing letter I put all of my reputation and credibility at stake. I expect from you, guardians of mankind at least the same. It is of the utmost urgency. Do open the debate. By all means: turn the tide!" He goes on to explain that doing mass vaccinations with COVID-19 "drives viral immune escape." In those countries that have vaccinated millions of people in just a few weeks, he predicts that we will see infectivity and morbidity rates rise. Those countries (Israel, United Kingdom, United States) will see rates begin to climb astronomically after a temporary decline. "A subsequent steep incline of severe disease cases is inevitable." Because we have employed the vaccine so quickly while the virus is still out there, we have created a pandora's box. He argues that authorities should have allowed the virus to circulate freely since it wasn't a serious disease. Healthy people would have developed natural herd immunity as they do with all other coronaviruses and influenza. That would have protected the elderly and sick far better than the ineffective lockdown. People have an innate (humoral) immune system that protects them from a variety of diseases. The sick and elderly lose their innate immune system as they age and have to rely more on antibodies specific for diseases they have gotten in their lifetime. Their immune systems are not good at fighting new pathogens because their innate immune system has grown weak. Within our immune system we have non-specific antibodies that have low affinity, meaning they attack a wide-range of diseases but they don't target any one disease. Vaccines create long-lived, antigen-specific antibodies that have high or strong affinity for a particular disease. But the downside is that they block the natural, broad-spectrum, low-affinity, non-specific antibodies (secondary IgMs) from doing their job. The antigen-specific antibodies will remain in a body forever and won't go away like a drug will. By vaccinating millions of people and forcing the creation of specific antibodies unique to a particular strain of COVID-19, these vaccinated people essentially have significantly reduced or eliminated their innate immune system. Any mutation by the virus will leave them susceptible to serious ramifications as their bodies will be unable to mount an innate immune system response. People with strong natural innate immunity will fight the virus successfully without a vaccine. When they come into contact with the virus, it will actually boost their immune system making them stronger. The more people with strong innate immune systems, the more protection for people with weaker ones. Schools and universities should never have been closed, because young people were never at risk. Natural herd immunity in the young and isolation for the sick and elderly would have been the best solution. Administering mass vaccinations during a pandemic where the virus is jumping from one person to another (high infectious pressure) is very different from adminstering a vaccine when the virus is not rampant. The immune response from those vaccinated will not have time to fully develop before confronting the live virus (it is a sub-optimal immune response). Every time you have a sub-optimal immune system response in the presence of an infectious virus, you are at risk of immune escape. This means that the virus can escape your immune response. You start shedding the virus and it can be a new strain as a result of its sub-optimal interaction with the vaccinated person. It would be okay if the vaccines prevented infection, but they don't. They only lessen symptoms, which means that the virus can still escape the person's body and mutate and now infect many more people in new ways that the mass, vaccinated population will not be able to stop. The virus mutates within 10 hours of a sub-optimal response. There are currently thousands of COVID-19 variants/mutations already. Why so many? We are creating them because of the mass vaccination program. We cannot win the war with this mass vaccination progam. The virus changes too quickly. It is your innate immune system that fights the war, but the vaccine lowers its ability to do the job. That is why Dr. Vanden Bossche is sounding the alarm. We are creating vaccine resistance and destroying people's natural ability to protect themselves. It is similar to a bacterial situation where we create superbugs if people don't take antibiotics for the full amount of prescribed time. Resistance is low and the bacteria mutate around the sub-optimal situation with the antibiotic and it then becomes a superbug. We are going to see the same problem on the virus front. With the mass vaccination program we are creating vaccine resistance. Researchers now understand how non-vaccinated, asymptomatic people overcome the virus. These people have either mild or no symptoms. They shed the virus for a short time and then they eliminate it completely. It is not antibodies that do the job, because they come far later in the immune response and last only a short amount of time. It turns out that natural killer (NK) immune system cells within their innate immune system kill the cells that have the virus inside them. This is how they achieve complete victory over the virus. Natural immunity is the most powerful immunity. Trust that God created us brilliantly. Strengthening our innate immune system is and has always been the best defense against any invader. To get the best possible protection, do not hamper its ability by hog-tying your immune system with a vaccination during this casedemic. To learn how to increase your immunity, see my book here. To see the full interview with Dr. Vanden Bossche, click here.
Dale Peart
3/30/2021 10:18:04 am
Great article. I wish more people knew this. The last time I had the flu or was even sick in bed with an infection was in 1983 right after I had my last flu shot. Never again!
Terry Meats
3/30/2021 12:18:56 pm
One of my sons says Dr. Bossche is an antivaccination person. How do I combat that notion?
Martha Towner
3/30/2021 07:00:34 pm
At the start of this article if gives this scientist's credentials. He has worked in creating vaccines, so he is not against vaccines. He is sounding the alarm against this specific vaccine, (which is more correctly called a gene therapy), because of its potential to open the door for harm to so many people in the world. Maybe your son would listen to his video for himself, to hear and see his credentials. The link is at the end of this article.
Larry Law
3/31/2021 07:45:13 pm
Martha gave great advice for your son. Dr. Vanden Bossche is a vaccine developer and is pro-vaccine as he states in the interview. Here is another link to another pro-vaccine doctor that might be helpful (it is on YouTube but who knows how long it will stay before they take it down):
Jason Dyck
4/1/2021 05:27:14 pm
Here's Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, another doctor whose YouTube video "violated YouTube's community guidelines". I watched it right after I was notified of it, and shortly thereafter it was taken down. It has now re-emerged on another independent site. Here's the link:
Lorrie Platt
4/1/2021 02:36:16 pm
His credentials have been listed by Larry in the above article
Jason Dyck
4/1/2021 05:23:01 pm
Hey Larry, Thank-you once again for your diligence and due diligence in searching out truth and dispelling the misinformation that passes as truth. God bless, and keep up the great work.
Because of my risk concern I decided in March of 2020 to do the research. The result of that research is at the following:
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