Larry A. Law
Several journals (JAMA, NEJM, Lancet, etc.) refused to publish this study because it went against the politically correct and sanctioned opinions of the medical establishment. The study was completed in the summer of 2020 but the researchers could not find anyone willing to publish it until this week. This publishing debacle is a great example of how truth in science has been corrupted. Science has become politicized. No study in the decades before March 2020 ever supported wearing a mask to stop a virus. After March 2020, 3 observational studies (not randomized controlled) were created and widely reported to the public that there was a protective association. But this was fake science created to support an agenda of lockdowns and fear. This Danish study completely debunks those previous conclusions.
Will this information be reported by the media? Not likely. Their mode of operation is to ignore or smear anyone who fails to support their side of the story. You can see the Danish study for yourself by clicking here. The first page has a great figure that is easy to read and summarizes the conclusions of the 26-page report. It's time to end the mask mandates. It's time to demand our political leaders end the muzzling of our school children as well as the rest of us. Masks don't save lives and the consequences of wearing them are of much greater concern. The effects of social, emotional, physical, mental and even spiritual suffering will manifest over decades to come.
steve knuth
11/24/2020 06:08:11 am
well for me the mask works . it reminds me when i wear it in public not to touch my eyes and face . it reminds me to use hand sanitizers when i get back to my car . to also wash my hands more frequently. it puts me in a frame of mind that other peoples well being matter. if it make other people more at ease im all for it . this is something the test did not test
11/25/2020 08:09:57 am
I have yet to see ANYONE wearing a mask who does not touch it multiple times per minute. Not one. I think if you had someone video you, you might find out you're touching it more than you realize.
Deb Blouin
11/29/2020 06:11:35 pm
That’s because those things you mentioned are not scientific but sociological, and highly subjective and anecdotal. You FEEL morally validated. That’s not how science works.
Louis Lamberti Jr.
12/6/2020 07:44:23 am
A persons feelings or insecurities do not supersede anyone else’s rights, nor do they justify stupidity. We are dealing with wicked powers in high places which seek to deceive us in a great way. I pray that all may have the discernment to distinguish between the few truths and many lies. Thanks Larry for your due diligence and thorough research.
steven knuth
11/24/2020 06:15:21 am
when we take the right supplements eat right and live a healthy life style , if we get infected . our symptoms are far less noticeable. if i can save one life by wearing a mask its worth it . no telling what impact that one life could have on this world . this is not a me virus it goes after every one.
Kristen Chevrier
11/25/2020 08:10:42 am
The finding of the study is that you can't save one life by wearing a mask. Is it still worth it?
Jon Davis
11/24/2020 07:22:46 am
I personally agree with Steven. One Danish study is going to be are guiding lite? Please!
Gregg La Rocque
11/24/2020 10:25:34 am
This whole COVID deal has been politicized and it never should have been because it makes separating fact from fiction a real task. I got to wondering the other day how the flu numbers have been this year. I went to the Health Canada website and learned that regular pneumonia and seasonal flu are almost non-existent this year. Hmmm! They attributed it to social distancing and wearing masks. As we are in a "second wave" of COVID it would appear that masks and distancing work for seasonal flu but don't work for COVID. Hmmm!
Pam G
11/24/2020 11:05:55 am
You are correct in seeing that there is a reduction of regular influenza cases...sadly the “powers that be” are not tracking those anymore and concentrating on only corona...which, as you well know, will skew all data!
11/25/2020 08:12:26 am
Influenza is rarely even tested for right now. And the CDC is counting any influenza or pneumonia cases with covid as "PIC" cases. So we don't get to see the real numbers.
Yvonne Morrison
11/24/2020 12:28:54 pm
I still cannot believe that there are people out there that are still asleep and cannot wake up and see that we are being lead down a destructive path, If it is about our safety and health, why not set-up massive advertising campaign to instruct how to administer the right supplements to boost the immune system vs masks that is destructive and interfering with our intake and exhaling process. Would that not save many lives?.
P. Leonard
11/24/2020 04:23:35 pm
I took a look at the study parameters. I am seeing they studied how well the mask protected the wearer, not how well the mask protects others. It has always been my understanding that there is less protection for the wearer. We wear the masks because they protect others from us to quite a high degree, which is why it would be important for almost everyone to wear the masks to be effective on a community-wide basis. I would really like to see a study showing the effects of wearing masks on the others around the mask-wearer and know if that is truthfully effective. Larry, you are the researcher! There must be one out there. I really am wondering. Those I personally know who work in the hospitals around me say there is a significant benefit for others and that we depend on others willing to wear a mask to for our safety.
Gregg La Rocque
11/24/2020 10:15:47 pm
I fail to see the difference. They either work or they don't work. So are you suggesting they work for outgoing and are not effective for incoming? All I know is, where I live in Canada if you go out everyone has a mask on and it's been that way for months. They also social distance and isolate within their personal social bubbles to a large extent. So if all this works, why do we have this "second wave?" I'm old school. Something either works or it doesn't work.
Kristen Chevrier
11/25/2020 08:14:03 am
Exactly, Gregg. If they work, why are "cases" skyrocketing in all the places that are mandating masks. Cases go up after the mandates are in place.
12/2/2020 09:02:56 pm
I like your logic Gregg!
12/2/2020 08:56:38 pm
I'm not aware of any that look at mask wearers that way. Before March 2020, science (including Dr. Fauci) was unanimous that wearing a mask did not help against a virus. Political agendas have altered that viewpoint and several low-power, observational studies were manufactured this summer to suggest masks were beneficial. But this is the first high-power test (randomized control test) that completely crushes those study findings. It validates the ineffectiveness of wearing a mask to protect yourself or anyone else at a statistically significant level. The finding results are not a surprise as the virus is so small that any mask webbing is like wearing a chain-link fence trying to keep a mosquito from biting you. It is physically impossible to block it. Even if the mask stops a larger, watery sneeze particle containing the virus, it will dry out in the mask and your breathing will aerosolize the material resulting in the virus being projectiled out of the mask at some point and it will then stay in the air for hours. If you had not worn the mask, the watery particle would quickly drop to the floor and gravity would keep it out of the air. Hope that description helps visualize the problem.
B. Alvey
11/24/2020 10:02:31 pm
I concur with P. Leonard. The government did a terrible job of explaining the need for masks, but they do serve a purpose - protecting others around us at high risk if we should happen to have the virus and not know it. Masks do absolutely nothing to protect the wearer, but that’s not their purpose. FYI, the way I read the Great Barrington Declaration (, school children shouldn’t wear masks since high risk people are very unlikely to be in a classroom, but if they are, a mask would certainly not provide any protection. Those students (and only those students) should stay at home and on-line.
11/25/2020 08:15:13 am
Thank you, Larry, for sharing this information. The masquerade has gone on far too long.
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