Larry A. Law
Dr. Barbara Starfield published a study in the Journal of the American Medical Association on July 26, 2000 entitled, "Is US Health Really the Best in the World?" People were shocked to see the statistics she discovered. She discussed iatrogenic causes, a term which refers to deaths that are caused by or attributed to a doctor's care. She found that over 225,000 Americans died each year at the hands of their physicians! It is sad to note that 10 years after her report, Dr. Starfield herself died from a medical error: she suffered a lethal reaction to an antiplatelet drug that was mistakenly prescribed. For years, the medical system was silent about this statistic; it meant that medical errors were the 3rd largest cause of death in the United States, with heart attack and cancer as the leading causes of death. That was something the medical establishment was not interested in advertising! Since 2000, there has been no update on what the American Medical Association has done to improve this dilemma. On May 3, 2016 a paper entitled "Medical Error--The Third Leading Cause of Death in the US" was published in the British Medical Journal (BMJ). Not surprising the American journals were not interested in publishing it! The paper showed that the American medical system clearly had not improved; it had gotten worse. Marion Makary and Michael Daniel documented that the number of deaths had increased by 25,000 each year; the new total indicated that 250,000 Americans were dying each year due to medical mistakes/errors. Despite how shocking this number was, it vastly underestimated the true number, because deaths happening at home or in nursing homes were not included. To make matters worse, when they included deaths related to diagnostic errors, errors of omission, and failure to follow guidelines, the number of preventable deaths increased astronomically to 440,000 per year! And these numbers are all before the coronavirus pandemic. The number of deaths due to COVID-19 would undoubtedly double this number. Nursing homes house the most vulnerable population. Yet ordering infected patients into nursing homes resulted in over 60% of all US COVID deaths. A striking example of the effect this policy had was the Diamond Hill nursing home which followed Governor Cuomo's directive. By June 18, 2020 they had lost 18 patients due to lack of isolation and inadequate infection control. Half of the staff (50 people) and 58 patients were infected and became ill. By comparison, Van Rensselaer Manor, a 320-bed nursing home located in the same New York county as Diamond Hill, refused to follow the state directive and did not admit any patient suspected of having COVID-19. They did not have a single COVID-19 death. This example was repeatedly observed in other areas. In addition to the nursing home travesty, the misuse of mechanical ventilators dramatically increased the risk of death for COVID patients. Rather than administering non-invasive oxygen, hospitals like Elmhurst Hospital Center in Queens put relatively healthy patients on ventilators. Studies estimate that 50% of all mechanically ventilated COVID-19 patients died. By ventilating COVID-19-negative patients, hospitals artificially inflated the caseload and death rate. Financial incentives were a disturbing factor at play. Hospitals received $29,000 extra for a COVID-19 patient receiving ventilation. This was over and above other reimbursements. The systematic medical mistreatment at certain hospitals, the widespread erroneous use of ventilators, the failure to administer life-saving, early-onset therapeutics to patients sent home from emergency rooms without receiving preventive care, and the unbelievable nursing home decision made by a handful of state governors, could have altered the trajectory of the COVID-19 death toll and made it negligible. All of these factors created a manufactured crisis that did not need to happen. Below is an excellent 2-minute video that Lili D. sent me. It explains how numbers associated with the COVID-19 vaccines are misrepresented to make the so-called vaccines sound more effective than they actually are. The vaccination train has left the station and if we think it's going to stop because we all just comply, it won't. Israel is already on their 4th booster in less than a year. The government is not looking out for us. They are looking out for themselves and they want more. The best way to protect your health is to be proactive. If you haven't gotten your copy of There's an Elephant in the Room--Exposing Hidden Truths in the Science of Health, it is full of help to guard your well-being. Health is not a magical thing that just happens. We have to safeguard it and promote it. If you don't have your health, you don't have much.
Jan Herbst
10/12/2021 10:50:57 am
Excellent article! I will share it. I agree totally! I too have not received proper care from conventional medicine. I went from doctor to doctor for 50 years and never receive any help for Lyme disease and mold. Did I get my money back! No! Since their negligence, I have been getting sicker and sicker, thanks to this huge modern ineffective medical system. In fact, a medical doctor received that same treatment from his fellow doctors as I did. He knew he was having heart problems, something else which was Lyme. I kept going to them for years for a checkup. Finally, one day he collapsed on the sidewalk with a heart attack! By, then they his former doctors believed he was in trouble. Lyme ate his heart and he needed a new heart to be installed. He wrote a book In fact, "Gone in a Heart Beat". by Neil Spector, MD. For me, these ineffective heart specialist could not diagnose heart disease, when my little clinic with their little heart instrument did 2 catch times heart problems 2 due to chronic heart palpitations. I no longer have faith in this huge ineffective system. Also, I noticed, hospital doctors killed too many COVID patients! These, vaccines are also, killing many patients or are now disabled.
Jerilyn Yackley
10/12/2021 09:25:56 pm
I agree with Mike Wood. I have had people question how I can trust that what I read in your articles is the truth. If you would list the sources of your information, they could verify the info for themselves. Please consider doing this, because there is so much "info" online and in social media that is really questionable.
Larry Law
10/15/2021 04:41:36 pm
Most papers have sources listed at the bottom. Since this is a blog article (not a paper), I elected to refer readers to my sources within the article as I address each point and as they read about them. For example, Dr. Carolyn Dean's book "Death by Modern Medicine" and Dr. Barbara Starnfield's article published in the Journal of the American Medical Association on July 26, 2000 entitled, "Is US Health Really the Best in the World? So, sources are all there just not at the bottom.
Les Eby
10/12/2021 10:18:36 am
Hi Guys,
Larry Law
10/15/2021 04:34:58 pm
Hi Les - yes we remember! By all means, share with anyone who will listen.
10/12/2021 10:42:24 am
You are doing a great job of keeping us strong in our resistance to the new norm of believing and accepting all vaccines as good. It is so painful to see good people divided over this and I am waiting for the truth be be know by everyone. Are you able to fix the link to the 2-minute video that Lili D. sent? I get, "Temporary Error (404)".
Larry Law
10/15/2021 04:33:49 pm
Got an alternate link so it works now - thanks Dorothy!
10/12/2021 05:37:21 pm
So great- so hard to know this!
10/12/2021 07:55:26 pm
Just read a face book account of an airline being shut down because of mandatory vaccination. /Sorry she got her trip canceled but glad to know there are people out there willing to fight this war.
10/12/2021 07:58:38 pm
Just tried to see the video you recommended, cant get it, did they take it off?
Larry Law
10/15/2021 04:32:47 pm
Hi Sherelle,
Sonny Riddell
10/16/2021 10:01:30 am
Hi Jan Herbst: I love what you have to say and I am wondering and hopeful that YOU have been able to improve your health condition? You didn't say, but since you know Larry Law, I'm hoping that you took nutritional (and other) strategies. Let us know? SONNY thx
10/26/2021 09:10:30 pm
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