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In the interview, Dr. Thomas mentioned the work of an organization documenting health outcomes of the unvaccinated. Joy Garner, Founder of The Control Group, has collected statistics covering 48 American states. She compared the unvaccinated/never vaccinated (0.26% of the population) versus the vaccinated (99.74% of the population). The startling health outcomes go a long way towards explaining why the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and Centers for Disease Control (CDC) refuse to compare vaccine injuries with the unvaccinated as a true control group. They manipulate results by comparing new vaccines in trials to other vaccines, but never with the unvaccinated as a placebo group. They do this because it hides the vaccine injuries by lessening the difference in the number of adverse events.
One of the findings of her study shows that 6% of vaccinated adults in her survey were diagnosed with cancer, while 0% of the unvaccinated group had that diagnosis. She gathered similar statistics for autism, food allergies, and chronic diseases. Dr. Mikovits proposes that childhood diseases like mumps and measles actually develop our body’s innate immune system in positive and healthy ways. Those strengthened immune systems ensure prevention against certain cancers (like breast cancer) later on in life.
In the interview, Dr. Mikovits explains why injecting synthetic messenger RNA (mRNA), as with the Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 vaccines, is so dangerous. She explains that all vaccines are genetically modified organisms (GMO). The COVID-19 shots which use mRNA are actually gene therapy. They are not true vaccines. Scientists have discovered that 97% of mRNA in the body is regulatory. They don’t make proteins. They turn genes on or off. Injecting the artificial mRNA into humans causes the cells to write the RNA into DNA. Reverse-transcriptase and integrase are the two enzymes that perform this function. In the vaccinated, all the cells within the body (when they replicate) will now reproduce this synthetic SARS-CoV-2 virus and express the spike protein on the outside membrane (glycocalyx). The risk of autoimmune disease grows astronomically. The body doesn’t make the antibodies after being vaccinated. So, the vaccinated are actually the ones who are spreading disease mutations (not the unvaccinated) because they don’t make antibodies like someone who gets the disease naturally and recovers from it. This is why the vaccinated are now at greater risk of developing cancer and autoimmune disease in the future.
Another interesting point Dr. Mikovits mentions is that SARS-CoV-2 virus is not what causes COVID-19. To be a causative factor, every person with evidence of infection must have the disease. If these viruses caused the disease, everyone would get sick when they caught them. But 99.7% of people with a positive PCR test for COVID-19 are asymptomatic (they are not sick) with COVID-19. For something to be the cause of sickness it must induce sickness every time it enters a human body. This same logic explains why HIV does not cause AIDS. Many people have AIDS and don’t have HIV and many people have HIV and never develop AIDS. The vast majority of people on the planet got SAR-CoV-2 but most never got sick with COVID-19. Only the immune-compromised got sick and relatively few of them died as a result of COVID. This is in spite of the falsification of death certificates blaming every death on COVID.
The vaccinated are anergic (they never make antibodies). Only the unvaccinated who contract the disease in the natural way make antibodies. In addition, Dr. Mikovits points out that masks don’t stop viruses. The medical authorities are finally acknowledging (after two years of lying to the public) that cloth masks don’t work. In actuality, neither do the more sophisticated masks. Doctors' masks were designed to stop doctor spit (sputum) from landing on a patient’s open wounds during surgery. They are not designed to prevent inhalation of a virus. Wearing an N-95 mask will force your exhaled air out of the mask and into your eyes (causing inflammation and disease) or out the sides of the masks. You cannot stop the transmission of disease with a mask. The only way to stop a virus is to put both of your fingers up your nose and close your mouth! Unfortunately, that will prove far more fatal than breathing in a virus with a 99.7% survival rate!
We have an immune system designed to protect us from bacterial and viral infection if we keep it healthy. Electron microscopy images of masks made using nanotechnology industries show fibers, fragments, and particles shaped similar to asbestos. This is what you inhale. Healthy people should never wear a mask. Cancer patients should never wear a mask. Giving a cancer patient a vaccine that is inherently carcinogenic and then forcing them to wear a mask is not health promoting. Restricted breathing acts like a blowtorch on an on/off switch called hypoxia-inducible factor 1-alpha (HIF1A) which greatly aggravates the cancer condition.
Monocyte/macrophage dysfunction drives cancer and AIDS. Every tissue in your body has a resident stem cell macrophage that is not dependent upon the bone marrow macrophages. They are pre-positioned in the tissue already watching for problems in that area of the body. An adjuvant, like aluminum used in a vaccine, can damage these macrophages. If these macrophages in the microglia of the brain get damaged, the immune system becomes seriously compromised. Most people don’t realize that by injecting nanoparticles into the bloodstream, the blood-brain barrier will no longer provide the protection it was designed for. Therefore, it can be very dangerous to inject any chemical or particle into the body.
Dr. Mikovits offers some things that will help all of us be able to detoxify because we have either had the shot or are surrounded by people who have. We are all compromised to varying degrees. Besides removing GMO foods, she recommends ozone therapies and chlorine dioxide which can break down the synthetic virus membrane for detoxifying purposes. Adding purified amino acids like L-glutamate, L-cysteine, and glycine which are the building blocks for glutathione is important. Glutathione is a key antioxidant used by the innate immune system. She believes the lack of glutathione is the most likely cause of COVID-19. Supplying the body with these three amino acids allows it to make glutathione naturally. It is difficult to put glutathione back in directly because it is unstable and that is why you may need to supplement these particular building blocks. Sugar nutrients are also a critical component for increasing glutathione levels.
Dr. Mikovits says it is important to counteract the effects of glyphosate (Roundup) in the soil, plants, and animals we eat. Roundup chelates (binds up) minerals, removing them from the soil and plants. It kills all plants except those genetically engineered to resist the poisoning and mineral attack. Glyphosate destroys the key antioxidant—glutathione. Endogenous glutathione deficiency (low glutathione levels) appears to be a crucial factor enhancing SARS-CoV-2 induced oxidative stress damage to the lungs. As a result of Roundup in the soil, it's hard to get enough clean amino acids, trace minerals, nitric oxide and especially sugar nutrients.
To summarize, there are two things that constitue the innate immune system: antioxidants like glutathione and the type 1 interferon pathway (which is a subject for another article). Good food is key to optimizing these aspects of the innate immune system.
Lastly, Dr. Mikovites talks about cannabinoids, which are anti-viral and reduce neuroinflammation. I have a chapter in my book that discusses cannabis and the importance of the endocanabinoid system in the body. Specifically, Dr. Mikovits points out that cannabidiol inhibits SARS-CoV-2 replication and promotes the host innate immune response. This has been validated in a recent study ( Dr. Mikovits believes COVID19 is an acquired endocannabinoid immune deficiency: Non HIV-AEIDS. To watch Dr. Thomas interview with Dr. Mikovits in his podcast, click here.
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