Larry A. Law
How Many Got the Shot?
Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, the public medical authorities discouraged anyone from administering or receiving early treatment for the disease. They insisted that doctors should only treat patients when their lips turned blue and oxygen levels were dangerously low, requiring hospitalization. Denying early treatment of a disease and refusing to try any other intervention has never been standard protocol. Many innovative doctors were having success with natural and drug-based therapies, but the medical system insisted that only a vaccine would be able to treat the disease. We now know that hydoxychloroquine and ivermectin were just two of the drugs that virtually eliminated the COVID-19 virus. However, the medical/pharmaceutical system knew there was no money in that approach and wanted the billions of dollars a vaccine would bring in. Dr. McCullough testified that even after 3 years, the WHO still refuses to advocate any early treatment for COVID-19 on their website. It turns out that early treatment and/or natural immunity were the only ways to fight COVID-19 effectively, but the public never got that message. After the vaccine was rushed through trials, the fear-based publicity and mandating policies forced two-thirds of the people worldwide to get the vaccine. 75% of Americans got the vaccine jab (25% are very thankful they did not). 94% of those getting the jab in the U.S., got one utilizing mRNA technology. This technology embeds the man-made, engineered genetic code to artificially create the infectious part of the virus (the spike protein) in human bodies. It was the worst idea ever to install the genetic code by injection and allow unbridled production of a potentially lethal protein in the human body for an uncontrolled duration of time.
Circulating Spike Protein from the Vaccine Endures Longer than 6 Months
Krauson and colleagues from Harvard in their study published on September 27, 2023 titled, Duration of SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccine persistence and factors associated with cardiac involvement in recently vaccinated patients, found the vaccine mRNA in the heart cells of those who have died from the vaccine. Castruita and colleagues published, SARS‐CoV‐2 spike mRNA vaccine sequences circulate in blood up to 28 days after COVID‐19 vaccination in the Journal of Pathology and Microbiology and Immunology found circulating mRNA in the blood for at least 28 days (It was as long as the study lasted). Brogna and colleagues in Germany published on August 31, 2023, Detection of recombinant Spike protein in the blood of individuals vaccinated against SARS-CoV-2: Possible molecular mechanisms, in the Journal of Proteomics, found circulating spike protein produced by the mRNA in the blood of half of the people who took the vaccine for up to 6 months (as long as the study lasted). So, if you follow the government recommendations, you can have circulating spike protein in the blood from the vaccine for at least 6 months. Then, following the official schedule, you get a booster which gives you even more spike protein. The spike protein is extremely dangerous to cells and tissues in the human body. Despite what main stream media parrots from the pharmaceutical companies, the mRNA and the spike protein are not being broken down by normal human enzymes in the body. They continue circulating in the blood stream and can cause serious damage. The mRNA is synthetic. It has been changed. It’s not natural mRNA. The change is called pseudouridylation—it is abnormal. There are thousands of patents on it. The next mRNA vaccine development plans to use the technology in the flu vaccine.
Myocarditis and Heart Damage
A study by Schreckenberg titled, Cardiac side effects of RNA-based SARS-CoV-2 vaccines: Hidden cardiotoxic effect of mRNA 1273 and BNT162b2 on ventricular myocyte function and structure was published October 12, 2023 in the Journal of Pharmacology. They found that both the Pfizer and Moderna mRNA vaccines administered to mouse heart muscle cells damaged the cells within 48 hours. This is an example of the kind of safety studies that should have been done before the vaccine was released. If this were a drug, the drug company would have stopped development, because this represented early and direct harm. Another study titled, Assessment of Myocardial 18F-FDG Uptake at PET/CT in Asymptomatic SARS-CoV-2–vaccinated and Nonvaccinated Patients, published September 19, 2023 by Takehiro Nakahara and his Japanese colleagues, found that virtually everyone who took the vaccine had their heart shift from taking up fatty acids for energy (the normal way) to utilizing fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) which is abnormal and indicative of an injured heart. FDG is what cardiologists look for in a PET/CT scan to identify where the damaged areas of the heart are located. 65% of those getting the vaccine complained of a sore arm at the injection point. Those who had a sore arm had the greatest abnormalities in the PET/CT scan (greatest risk for heart damage). Schwab and his colleagues in Germany conducted autopsies and found that if there was inflammation in the arm at the time of death, there was also inflammation in the heart. So, a clinical clue for those who will become sick in their heart are those who have a sore arm. The study is titled, Autopsy-based histopathological characterization of myocarditis after anti-SARS-CoV-2-vaccination. Hulscher, McCullough and colleagues at the University of Michigan performed a systematic review (titled Autopsy Proven Fatal COVID-19 Vaccine-Induced Myocarditis). They examined all of the autopsy cases documented in the peer-reviewed literature. This amounted to over 600 papers. They extracted all the data from each autopsy, made evidence tables from it, and submitted conclusions to three independent reviewers to adjudicate whether the death was caused by the vaccine—based on contemporary knowledge of what the vaccine does to the human body. In 325 cases, the panel adjudicated that 73.9% of the deaths were due or very likely due to the vaccine.
Sudden Death
Dr. McCullough shared the story of Oscar Cabrera Adames, a Dominican Republic professional basketball player. He got the vaccine shot in 2021. He suffered cardiac arrest on the basketball court, but was successfully resuscitated. He later tweeted that he had myocarditis and that it was due to the COVID-19 vaccine shot. He stopped playing sports, because athletic performance with myocarditis can trigger cardiac arrest. Two years later, he was having a medically observed, treadmill stress test with the EKG on to assess his recovery and whether he could return to sports. Unfortunately, he suffered a fatal cardiac arrest while on that treadmill and died despite supervised medical care. He was only 28 years old and it was two years after his vaccination. An epidemiologist from Canada (Rancourt and colleagues) published an ecological study gathered from countries around the world on September 17, 2023. The researchers estimate that worldwide 17 million people have died after COVID-19 vaccination! The United States’ Centers for Disease Control (CDC) has sponsored the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) and it documents (as of Sep 25, 2023) over 36,000 deaths of which 18,188 deaths have been certified by the CDC as happening after COVID-19 vaccination. 86% of the reports to VAERS are made by doctors, nurses, paramedics. The underreporting ratio has been documented by FDA experts and they say it ranges from a factor of 30 to 40. If we take the lower number 30 as the factor, then that means that 545,640 Americans have died after the COVID vaccine. Of those 18,188 deaths that the CDC has certified as having died after the vaccine, 1,100 died on the same day they took the vaccine--some within a few minutes of getting the shot in the vaccine center and some after a few hours. The injustice is that we have no broad recognition of this astronomical health signal from any public health official in the United States. It is not acknowledged by any of the committees in the House or Senate that supervise COVID-19 at the federal level. It is not acknowledged by those candidates running for President of the United States in 2024 (except Robert F. Kennedy, Jr), corporate boards of companies, or presidents/deans of universities. There is a massive blindness to this enormous mortality signal.
COVID-19 Vaccines Are NEITHER Safe Nor Effective
The spike protein is found in the blood clots. It is found in cells. It is found for as long as researchers have looked for it. There is not a single study that shows the mRNA or the spike protein going away completely. Integrative doctors are searching for ways to remove that threat from the body. In the randomized trials Pfizer conducted, we have now learned that from the time the safety data cut-off in mid-November 2020 to the time of the FDA meeting on December 10, 2020 to approve the vaccine, there were 38 additional deaths from people on the vaccine. Pfizer did not update their report to the FDA nor did FDA officials ask for any other anomalies happening during the time between when the report was concluded and the FDA panel meeting—a 3 to 4-week period. It is standard procedure for the FDA to ask for any observations in the intervening time, but they did not. With these additional deaths, there is 3.7-fold greater risk of death due to a cardiovascular event with the Pfizer vaccine than with the placebo. In light of this hidden information, the Pfizer vaccine should never have been approved. The study documenting this (September 4, 2023) was conducted by Michels and colleagues and was titled, Forensic Analysis of the 38 Subject Deaths in the 6-Month Interim Report of the Pfizer/BioNTech BNT162b2 mRNA Vaccine Clinical Trial. It was Dr. McCullough’s conclusion that NONE of the COVID-19 vaccines are safe for human use. The World Council for Health on Jun 11, 2022 called for all COVID-19 vaccines to be removed from the market. On March 31, 2023, the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons called for the same thing. When the main stream media says that all the doctors and agencies agree that the vaccines are safe and effective, it is a blatant lie. The states can move to pull these vaccines off the market—they don’t have to wait for the federal government. Attorney Generals and state legislatures can act. Idaho and Florida are moving in this direction. This is a consumer product safety issue. And with the recent discovery of DNA contamination in each vial of mRNA COVID-19 vaccine, this issue is even more urgent. Seven different laboratories have documented 200 billion pieces of plasmid DNA contamination. This DNA is packaged in lipid nanoparticles, basically a synthetic virus, and are delivered into the cells of vaccinated individuals where it can be incorporated into their nucleus and genome. The contamination also includes Simian Virus 40 (SV40), a monkey virus. Experts have long suspected SV40 as a risk factor for cancer in humans.
Long-COVID and Detoxification Treatment
For COVID-19 injuries and Long-COVID Syndrome, a paper by Diexer and colleagues shows that 70% of those suffering from Long-COVID were vaccinated (50% had been vaccinated three times). Taking one or more doses of the COVID-19 vaccine is directly related to Long-COVID. The study is titled, Association between virus variants, vaccinations, and previous infections, and post-COVID risk, published in the International Journal of Infectious Diseases. McCullough and others published a paper in a peer-reviewed journal on detoxification of the spike protein. The study is titled, Potential COVID Spike Protein Detoxification Regime Discussed in Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS) and was published in the fall, 2023 volume of AAPS. It recommends that people detoxify using 3 natural substances: 1) nattokinase, a naturally occurring enzyme found in natto cheese. It can cleave the spike protein and it also inhibits blood clotting. The protocol recommends 2000 units twice a day; 2) bromelain, an enzyme isolated from pineapple stems. It has been shown to modulate the body’s production of proinflammatory or anti-inflammatory compounds, and to have an anticoagulant effect. It can also block the infection of cells by SARS-CoV-2 virus. The protocol recommends 500 mg daily; 3) curcumin is derived from turmeric, a member of the ginger family of plants. Studies suggest it may have antiviral activity against multiple viruses, and may inhibit cell entry of SARS-CoV-2 by blocking spike protein binding sites. It also has anti-inflammatory and anticoagulant properties. The protocol recommends 500 mg twice daily. Dr. McCullough is sharing the protocol with doctors internationally in hopes of fine-tuning the treatment. The process is slow and can take 3 to 12 months for people to see improvement. Some drugs like blood thinners may be useful, but none are designed specifically against Long-COVID. If you made it this far in the reading, you did good! This information on COVID-19 vaccines is the latest available—all studies were completed in the last 3 to 4 months.
Sonny Riddell
10/24/2023 07:14:11 am
I met you both at a Glyconutrient Seminar in the late 90’s or early 2000’s (in Toronto) and have been following your incredible work ever since. I was vaccine hesitant, and you showed me the way early on. (2020). THIS is currently the BEST article researched on the current Vaxx Status. I will be sharing with ALL. Thank you both for all you do!!
Larry Law
10/31/2023 10:09:39 pm
Sonny, thank you so much for writing and sharing this information with others.
Donna Hoag
10/24/2023 08:50:05 am
Thank you Larry and Angie for ALL you do!
Larry Law
11/1/2023 06:39:42 pm
Thanks Donna. Concerning your great question: I explained some of the differences between four of the COVID-19 vaccines in the October 4,2022 blog. Here is one of the paragraphs from that blog:
Annette Scott
10/24/2023 10:11:16 am
Great information and so glad we did not get it and this article just validated all the reasons why ?? Thank you Larry ….
Larry Law
11/1/2023 06:40:55 pm
So glad it helped Annette!
10/24/2023 12:09:22 pm
Larry Law
11/1/2023 06:42:40 pm
Great testimonial Sally! Sugar nutrients play a critical part in allowing our immune systems to function optimally.
Allan Agnew
10/24/2023 07:41:29 pm
My god such an insightful message and alarming situation that pharmaceutical companies are aloud to continue with these vaccines and give them to the G.P. without advising of these important health concerns. How do these giants get approval?????
Larry Law
11/1/2023 06:44:32 pm
Great observation Allan. I would recommend reading the book "COVID-19 and the Global Predators" by Peter R. Breggen, MD. He does an excellent job explaining the 'how' and 'why.'
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