Larry A. Law
but scientists did not know how it was done. These researchers showed "that the spike protein damaged the cells by binding ACE2. This binding disrupted ACE2's molecular signaling to mitochondria (organelles that generate energy for cells), causing the mitochondria to become damaged and fragmented." This damage was not caused by the virus replicating within the cell but solely by the attachment of the spike glycoprotein on the virus to the ACE2 glycoprotein receptor on the cell. No other interaction was required. This finding has serious ramifications for the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines. They both use mRNA to artificially force the synthetic creation of a genetically-engineered spike protein on the outside of all 60 trillion cells within the human body. The paper published in Circulation Research tried to give a pass to the mRNA vaccines by stating that the spike proteins "behave very differently than those safely encoded by vaccines." Really? There haven't been any safety trials. The COVID-19 vaccines are all under an Emergency Utilization Authorization and have been exempted from long-term safety testing. People who are getting jabbed with the vaccine today are the guinea pigs for gathering that safety data over the next 24 months. The findings published by the Salk Institute demonstrate the importance of the science of glycobiology in vaccinations. Altering the glycoproteins on the outside of the cell wall (the glycocalyx) can have many unforeseen consequences. Unfortunately, fear has been ruthlessly employed to badger people into getting vaccinated for a disease that is not a threat to the vast majority of our population. Notice how the mask mandates are being lifted for the vaccinated who are now the worst spreaders of the disease. But people who obtained natural immunity due to being exposed and actually getting COVID-19 are being completely ignored. There never was any reason for them to wear a mask. But like the scarlet letter, they will be signalled out as anti-vaxxers and persecuted and pressured towards submission. But their immunity is much stronger than that of a vaccinated person. So it seems to be all about money, power, and controlling the divergents who fight against the standard of care promoted by the politically correct. In a war for freedom it gets hard to be nice and calm when people are intent on forcing you to conform to their draconian mandates.
A great, new movie documenting the efforts of America's Frontline Doctors to tell the truth about COVID-19 is called Seeing 2020. It is only an hour long, but clearly explains how misinformation and cancel culture created a pandemic of fear. I highly recommend purchasing it (less than $10) to share with your family and friends. This fight is not just about COVID-19. It is a fight for the Constitution of the United States of America and all freedom-loving people. Don't be surprised if you are not permitted to speak and have a dialog with the authorities in power. We will remain calm and civil in our efforts because we trust God to open the doors and let truth prevail. I'm indebted to faithful blog readers for making me aware of these preceding articles--thanks Jason and Lynda! I'm also indebted to leaders who are willing to stand up and risk everything in their commitment to truth. You may have heard about my friend, Matt Lohmeier, a Lt Colonel in Space Force who is in the national news as he was relieved of his command in Colorado this weekend for publicizing his personal insights. His book, Irrestible Revolution: Marxism's Goal of Conquest & the Unmaking of the American Military is a must read for those willing to raise their voice in defense of the divinely-inspired, American Way of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. If you would like to strengthen your immune system so you can ward off whatever virus goes around, see my book: There's an Elephant in the Room--Exposing Hidden Truths in the Science of Health. If you would like a signed copy, you can get one here. There's great hope and protection when our own immune system functions properly!
Jason Dyck
5/18/2021 08:11:29 am
In the Salk Institute article there is also a great electron microscope picture of the before and after results of adding spoke proteins to cell glycoproteins. it reminds me of how how lobotomies were performed on people with mental health issues - ram an icepick up into the brain through the eye socket and spin and twist amid the shouts until the frontal cortex was totally turned to mush and the person left truly brain damaged.
Larry Law
5/18/2021 07:38:34 pm
Unfortunately, I cannot add it but if folks follow the "This finding" link they can access the study and see the spike protein picture.
Janet P Smithers
5/19/2021 06:24:18 am
My brother took the vaccine shot, and now has lost vision in his right eye. I think he said that the doctor said perhaps it was like a mini stroke, but it is blood vessel related. Do you think that the loss of vision could be one of the side effects from the shot?
Larry Law
5/19/2021 08:25:21 pm
Hi Janet,
5/21/2021 02:47:11 pm
My niece is a nurse, mother of 3, against vaccines. She advised I wait to get vaccinated. Her boss refuses vaccine too. I live on Maui, open air, wear a mask when out. Everyone I know is vaccinated including husband. They think I'm stupid southern Trumper I'm sure. My husband has friends over, we go to their homes. That worries me. Im 56. They are most all older & vaccinated
Larry Law
5/21/2021 03:37:49 pm
Everyone has to weigh the evidence and decide for themselves. I'm almost 66 and definitely not getting any COVID-19 vaccines. If you were to catch SARS-CoV-2, there are therapeutics that easily treat, cure, and prevent the disease. And they are totally tried and tested for half a century with the least side-effects of any drug on the market. Death is not one of their side-effects but over 4,000 people have died in the last 4 months getting a COVID-19 vaccine. That's more deaths in 4 months from one vaccine than the total number of deaths from ALL vaccines for the last 20 years! No one is dying from catching the virus anymore so it seems clear which approach is the most risky. The vaccine does not make you immune to the virus; it only lessens symptoms when you do get it. Not much of a benefit especially considering the number of problems being reported on the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS). Also, if you check out our latest Wellness Support Group Webinar on our website, you will see in the presentation why you can skip the mask too.
Chris Detrick
5/24/2021 04:24:02 pm
Thanks very much for all you both do...& especially this information from Dr Tenpenny. Hugs to all!!
9/2/2021 04:15:43 am
Hi, I’m in Australia and my brother and father are been pressured to take the jab to keep their jobs. We have discussed that we should get both of them to have blood tests done before the jab in case something goes wrong (which I’m afraid will) so that we can have a before and after blood work results to at least fight back somehow. Therefore, would you please let me know what you think they should have included in those tests? Thank you so much in advance.
10/26/2021 08:13:50 pm
Here is an article from NY Post today:
Death Hastening Nanoweapon BioToxins are a new and fast growing sector of the defense industry. Both SPIKE payload delivery systems, by injection or by infection, produce fair results in life shortening. Repeated injections, especially into young children, can have the bonus effects of brain damage & life long illness & weakness. mRNA can be programmed to snip out key human genes, sterilize various races of humans, or target specific organ function such as kidneys or hearts.
Larry Law
1/1/2023 07:26:00 pm
A very disturbing scenario and more incentive for all of us to stay informed. Thanks for your comments, Christian
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