Larry A. Law
Old Vaccine Template
The COVID-19 vaccines were developed to fight the original, genetically engineered virus created and accidently released in Wuhan, China nearly 3 years ago. Since then, the virus has mutated into Delta, Omicron, and myriad Omicron variants. COVID-19 vaccines initially promised a 90% protection rate against hospitalization after 2 doses within the first month after the shots. The 90% protection has now dropped to less than 50% for the first month. It drops each month until at four months it actually drops under zero protection into negative numbers! And the trend doesn't change with a third or fourth booster.
COVID-19 Vaccine Has "Negative Efficacy"
If a vaccine reaches negative efficacy, it means that people have a higher chance of getting infected with COVID-19 than if they didn't get the shot in the first place! COVID-19 vaccines actually elevate the risks of hospitalization and severe disease so that not getting vaccinated is a far more effective strategy if you want to stay healthy. It is inconceivable that health authorities continue to advocate for mass COVID vaccinations.
Vaccinated People Represent Majority of COVID-19 Deaths
Data from the CDC in April 2022 clearly shows that vaccinated and boosted people make up the majority of COVID-19 deaths (59%). In August 2022 the trend continued with 6,512 COVID deaths of which 60% were vaccinated/boosted individuals. In 2020, the "pandemic" was driven by the unvaccinated because there were no vaccines available. Dr. Peter McCullough, a world-renowned heart specialist, believes that the vaccinated people became the majority of deaths sometime during 2021 simply because the vaccine did little to control mortality. He stated, "By June of 2021, 53% of the U.S. population had received their first dose and 44% were fully vaccinated. Yet there was little difference in COVID-19 mortality cases between the first half of 2021 and the second half (more than 50% of COVID deaths, of which 244,000 occurred in the second half of the year from July to December 2021)." It is interesting to note that in 2020, the CDC documented 385,000 COVID-19 deaths but in 2021 there were more than 463,000! It's pretty clear that the COVID-19 vaccines made things worse!
CDC COVID Death Data
All of this information is deliberately hidden. Dr. McCullough states, "The CDC death data has to be interpreted with caution, because they're not adjudicated as dying of COVID. They can actually die with COVID." The CDC's website currently estimates that only 10% of COVID-19 deaths have COVID as the actual contributor of death. For example, a person was admitted to the hosptal for a heart attack and tested positive on the COVID test because he contracted the disease 6 months previously but had no COVID symptoms. Yet his death from heart attack was categorized as a COVID death. The CDC is finally trying to be a little more honest about this misinformation (they instituted this COVID death counting system in June 2020 to make the pandemic look worse) but now it makes the vaccines look worse so they are trying to acknowledge this data mischaracterization.
Are Athletes Dropping Dead From the COVID Jab?
During 2021 and 2022, at least 1,650 athletes have collapsed due to heart attacks and 1,148 were fatal. Damar Hamlin, a Buffalo Bills football player, went into cardiac arrest on national television during the January 2, 2023 football game against the Cincinnati Bengals. He was only 24 years old and fortunately was saved after 9 minutes of CPR. TV announcers alleged that the heart attack was probably due to commotio cordis. Commotio cordis can happen in the sport of baseball when a player is hit hard on the breastbone by a baseball. Less than 30 cases happen every year, but it has never happened in pro football because they, unlike baseball players, wear specially-designed protective padding. For this reason, Dr. Peter McCullough believes commotio cardis can be ruled out.
Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy (HCM)
Dr. McCullough believes it was likely hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) or abnormal thickening of the heart muscle, which is the primary cause for athletes suffering a cardiac arrest. During exercise, adrenaline is pumping, and when the heart is damaged this adrenaline rush is what triggers the cardiac arrest. This explains not only the death of athletes on the field, or people dying while jogging, but also why so many are dying in their sleep; this is because adrenaline is released between 3 a.m. and 6 a.m., as the body prepares to wake up. The COVID jab is associated with significantly elevated risks of myocarditis which raises the risk of sudden cardiac arrest in sports. 95% of National Football League (NFL) football players complied with NFL pressure to get the COVID shots. HCM is the number one cause of cardiac arrest in professional athletes because it causes few if any symptoms and often goes undiagnosed. According to McCullough, the COVID jab is "The elephant in the room." Before the shots were mandated, the average number of cardiac arrests in all European soccer and football leagues combined was 29 per year. It is now nearly 800 per year. In related news, a November 2022 report by The Expose showed the number of athletes who died suddenly between January 2021 and April 2022 was 1,696% above the historical monthly norm seen between 1966 and 2004. Clearly, something has gone terribly wrong and the COVID jab is the only environmental change that could be responsible for this sudden, catastrophic number of deaths. A great book by Dr. Peter McCullough and John Leake that has just been published and reads like a murder mystery is The Courage to Face COVID-19—Preventing Hospitalization and Death While Battling the Bio-Pharmaceutical Complex. I highly recommend it.
Mary Jo Martin
1/24/2023 07:38:01 pm
Hi Angie & Larry- Thank You for this excellent article explaining the numbers of deaths, shots & dates. Seems now this near fatal collapse has been a miracle recovery, we aren’t hearing any updates on the tests done on Damar Hamlin. Thankfully it wasn’t a fatality, but the powers at be ( government & Big Pharma) keep pushing the worthless shots. It is horrible- So glad I have a support group of people on the natural way of surviving who encourage me to remain shot free. Bless you for all you do to keep us educated and informed!! 🙏🏻🕊✨
Larry Law
1/25/2023 09:25:55 pm
Thank you Mary Jo!
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