Larry A. Law
Raw Milk Protects Against Viruses
Pasteurized milk is dead milk. The ultra-high heat used in the pasteurization process destroys everything living in the milk. Pasteurized milk in the United States could be sold in cartons from the grocery shelf and not in the refrigerated section. Milk producers don't do that because that would freak out the public who think their milk is fresh and living. Raw milk still has living things in it. It is full of immune system helpers like lacto-peroxidase, lacto-ferrin, leucocytes, B- and T-lymphocytes, macrophages, neutrophils, immunoglobulins, and antibodies. It has living enzymes, vitamins, and minerals that support and defend your body.
Start Slow
If you haven't ever had raw milk or eaten fermented foods (sauerkraut, kombucha, etc.), don't start by gulping down a whole glass. Instead, start with a small amount and slowly increase little by little, day by day. If you drink more than your system can handle at first, the live beneficial bacteria in fresh raw milk can provoke a "die-off" reaction where the pathogenic bacteria in your gut get killed off by the good bacteria in the milk. That experience may feel like the flu if you go too fast. There is nothing wrong with the milk, but your system needs to get used to eating a living food.
Lactose Intolerance
If the lactose in milk challenges your digestive system with bloating or gas, try culturing your milk into kefir. If you culture the milk for 24 hours at room temperature (68-72 degrees F), the beneficial microbes will predigest the lactose for you and make the cultured milk very easy to digest. Traditional cultures all around the world have done this for centuries, making milk more digestible and preserving it longer. Kefir has hundreds more beneficial microbes than yogurt, both by type and by volume, and the unique combination of cultures (microbes) in kefir makes it a powerful antibacterial and antiviral option for your health. You can find recipes for kefir and many other helps at Cultures for Health.
Jane McNeill
10/31/2023 04:40:53 am
I have just recently discovered that I can purchase raw moon North Carolina. I am not really a milk drinker. But I have purchased a couple of bottles. Albeit they have to be labeled “Not for Hunan Consumption “. I’ll try to start drinking more. I knew it was better for you. But didn’t really know why.
Larry Law
11/1/2023 08:54:26 pm
You are very welcome Jane. It is hard to imagine how North Carolina gets away with such a terrible label. What do they think people drank for centuries and millenia? Incredible fear-mongering.
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