Larry A. Law
Freedom of Speech Decimated
Dr. Blaylock points out in his article how frontline doctors in the early days of battling COVID were disparaged "by the information controllers, none of which have treated a single patient. Neither Anthony Fauci, the CDC, WHO nor any medical governmental establishment has ever offered any early treatment other than Tylenol, hydration, and call an ambulance once you have difficulty breathing." This unprecedented approach of not allowing any type of early treatment caused the deaths of countless COVID sufferers. Doctors who dissented from this non-treatment approach were removed from positions as journal editors, reviewers, and even had their scientific papers retracted from journals. Ghostwritten articles promoting drugs and pharmaceutical products were conjured up involving fake studies and information laundering. Fraudulent articles appeared regularly in top clinical journals like the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) and the New England Journal of Medicine. Orchestrated cover-ups occurred daily and massive amounts of data, exposing the hidden lies being generated by these information controllers, were hidden from the public. Hospital Administrators Ruled the Roost Dr Blaylock comments further, "While these attacks on free speech are terrifying enough, even worse is the virtually universal control hospital administrators have exercised over the details of medical care in hospitals. These hirelings are now instructing doctors which treatment protocols they will adhere to and which treatments they will not use, no matter how harmful the "approved" treatments are or how beneficial the "unapproved" treatments are. Never in the history of American medicine have hospital administrators dictated to its physicians how they will practice medicine and what medications they can use. The CDC has no authority to dictate to hospitals or doctors concerning medical treatments. Yet, most physicians complied without the slightest resistance.
What Constituted a Pandemic?
Knowledgeable doctors were prevented from saving patients from COVID-19 infection. It is criminal that so many other doctors followed mindlessly along with the deadly protocols. It's interesting that the World Health Organization changed the criteria for what makes a pandemic so they could incite fear around the world. "To qualify for a pandemic status the virus must have a high mortality rate for the vast majority of people, which it didn't (with a 99.98% survival rate), and it must have no known existing treatment--which this virus has--in fact, a growing number of very successful treatments. The draconian measures established to contain this contrived "pandemic" have never been shown to be successful, such as masking the public, lockdowns, and social distancing. A number of carefully done studies during previous flu seasons demonstrated that masks, of any kind, had never prevented the spread of the virus among the public." Toxic Batches of Vaccines Another very disturbing finding was that 1 out of every 200 batches of COVID-19 vaccines proved to be extremely toxic. This toxicity was in the order of thousands of times more deadly than the other batches, according to VAERS reports. This was shown to be true across all states in the nation, demonstrating that the problem was not comorbidities in the patients but actual toxicity in the vaccines. "All lots of a vaccine are numbered--for example, Moderna labels them with such codes as 013M20A. It was noted that the batch numbers ended in either 20A or 21A. Batches ending in 20A were much more toxic than the ones ending in 21A. The batches ending in 20A had about 1700 adverse events, versus a few hundred to twenty or thirty events for the 21A batches. This example explains why some people had few or no adverse events after taking the vaccine, while others are either killed or severely and permanently harmed. To see the researcher's explanation, go to In my opinion these examples strongly suggest an intentional alteration of the production of the "vaccine" to include deadly batches."
No Autopsies Permitted
By the end of April 2020, about 150,000 people had died from COVID, yet only 16 autopsies had been performed and reported in medical literature. And of those 16, only 9 were full, complete autopsies. This lack of autopsies continued throughout the pandemic. Why? Because the autopsies would show that the majority of deaths were a result of comorbid diseases and were not caused by the COVID-19 virus. In addition, thorough autopsies would have revealed the deadly effect of the CDC-mandated protocols all hospitals were required to follow. These protocols involved the use of respirators and the drug Remdesivir, which destroys the kidneys. This moratorium on conducting autopsies was also followed in the nearly 30,000 US COVID vaccine deaths. Very few autopsies were ever done to understand why these people died. Results of 15 Autopsies on People Who Died after Vaccination Dr. Bhakdi and Dr. Burkhardt were the exceptions. They recently performed 15 autopsies on people who died after being vaccinated. They determined that 14 of the 15 people died as a result of the vaccine and not other causes. "Dr. Burkhardt, the pathologist, observed widespread evidence of an immune attack on the autopsied individuals' organs and tissues--especially the heart. This evidence included extensive invasion of small blood vessels with massive numbers of lymphocytes, which cause extensive cell destruction when unleashed. Other organs, such as the lungs and liver, were observed to have extensive damage as well. These findings indicate the vaccines were causing the body to attack itself with deadly consequences. One can easily see why Anthony Fauci, as well as public health officers and all who are heavily promoting vaccines, publicly discourage autopsies on the vaccinated who subsequently died."
Dr. Blaylock finishes by stating, "The vaccines were supposed to significantly reduce deaths, but the opposite has happened. Hospitals are being flooded with vaccine complications and people in critical condition from medical neglect caused by the lockdowns and other pandemic measures. A dramatic number of these people are now dying, with the spike [in numbers] occurring after the vaccines were introduced. The lies flowing from those who have appointed themselves as medical dictators are endless... It is time to stop this insanity and bring these people to justice." I couldn't agree more. For an excellent short video on vaccine injuries (until YouTube takes it down), click here.
Lynn Wood
8/9/2022 06:36:47 am
Thank you for this valuable information. I completely agree!
8/9/2022 08:29:17 am
Wow I agree with Lynn! Thank you I’d never head this information except it was through you! It’s so shocking to me how many are still suffering with the fears of it all.
Mary M Parker
8/9/2022 09:59:40 am
This who "pandemic" was handled so badly by people we're supposed to trust. It really makes you wonder what's next? Thanks for this article. My rheumatologist is encouraging me to get a second booster, but I won't. My daughter was here last month and came down with COVID and was very sick. We all were exposed, so I took care of her without a mask or gloves. I never go it. I thought for sure I would, but nope.
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