Larry A. Law
Aging and Senescence
Cells become senescent as we age. Senescence is the condition or process of deterioration as we age. The cells slow down and stop their normal dividing and growing activity and enter a kind of stasis (inactivity). Instead of dying off as normal cells do, senescent cells persist, but they do change shape and size. As they do so, they secrete inflammatory molecules that cause nearby cells to become senescent also. This process is the hallmark of human aging. Senolytic agents are used to induce the death of senescent cells. Besides quercetin being a strong antioxidant and antiviral, it is senolytic. A paper published in Nutrition Research in August 2022 analyzed the senolytic/apoptotic effect on aging and cancerous cells. Research has proven that cellular aging can suppress tumor development, but paradoxically it can also enhance cancer development. Cellular senescence is a dynamic and multi-step process that is associated with alterations in metabolic activity and gene expression. This can compromise tissue regeneration and contribute to aging. On the other hand, by removing senescent cells, "age-related dysfunction can be attenuated and potentially extend lifespan." The paper found that the data on quercetin showed it was effective in "preventing or alleviating cancer formation."
Quercetin is Antitumor
A review published in Cancer Letters in 2008 showed that quercetin was able to prevent chemically-induced cancer growth, while epidemiological studies found it was associated with preventing lung cancer. Lab studies have also demonstrated that quercetin is a strong antioxidant and supports cellular apoptosis (programmed cell death) effects on tumor cells. It has the ability to block growth in different phases of the cell cycle. It promotes the loss of cancer cell viability and supports autophagy (cellular recycling of discarded parts) through several pathways including those linked to mitochondrial function and glucose metabolism. This research shows that quercetin could play a role in cancer treatments, as it has a synergistic effect in combination with chemotherapy and radiation therapy. It exerts remarkable protective properties supporting normal cells during both of these carcinogenic treatments.
SARS-CoV-2 Therapy
Countless studies over the years have proven that quercetin inhibits the early stages of flu infection. It is also highly effective against the Epstein-Barr virus, Zika virus, Hepatitis B, and rhinovirus (responsible for colds). It was logical that researchers investigated its efficacy against SARS-CoV-2 when the pandemic began. In the early months of the pandemic, a review of the literature published found that the administration of quercetin, bromelain (found in pineapple), vitamin C, and zinc "showed promising results in improving clinical outcomes among COVID-19 patients." Researchers identified the antioxidant's ability to inhibit proinflammatory cytokines and to clinically block human mast cell cytokine release as an important property in the fight against severe COVID-19. Dr. Vladimir Zelenko was among the first physicians to discover and implement a treatment credited with saving millions of lives around the world. Quercetin is a zinc ionophore like hydroxycholoroquine, which means it shuttles zinc easily into the cells where it directly disrupts SAR-CoV-2 replication (also for many other viruses). He was the doctor who told President Trump about the usefulness of hyroxychloroquine before Dr. Fauci discredited it and embarassed Trump. Fauci later banned the use of hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin. Rather than prescribe these natural, effective early treatments of COVID-19, he directed hospitals to send COVID-19 sufferers back home with no treatment. They were given instructions to return when the disease was at its end stages. Then, they would put them on ventilators. The majority of patients died at that stage. Fauci is responsible for harming millions of people worldwide and causing the death of countless people because of his arrogance and devotion to a vaccine-only solution during the pandemic. A real hero is Dr. Peter McCullough (see this one-minute video) who has sacrificed his professional career to get the word out on early, effective treatment options for COVID-19 and the documented dangers of mRNA vaccines. Other Study Benefits Finally, another intriguing study demonstrates that quercetin "ameliorated the effects of sleep deprivation on memory performance, depression-like behavior, and against the loss of prefrontal cortex neurons." This is a huge, unsuspected benefit. In addition, quercetin has positive benefits for high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, metabolic syndrome, nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, mood disorders, gout, arthritis, and several cancers. Truly, quercetin is an extraordinary example of nature's power to support human health and fight disease. God has put these solutions in the plants around us. Someone should inform the National Institutes of Health (NIH), Dr. Fauci's replacement, and the medical community, so that money from grants can begin to flow in the direction of nature's health care. We ought to concentrate on strengthening human immune systems rather that spending more money on sick care and the pharmaceutical, synthetic, lab-based drugs that interrupt human physiology, while masking a symptom, but rarely solving the underlying problem.
Home Recipe for Making Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ)
The key ingredient in HCQ is quinine. If you ever feel a chest cold coming on, you can make your own quinine from the peels of grapefruits and lemons. Take zinc with this recipe and you have a powerful anti-viral remedy made at home. 1. Take the rind of 3-4 grapefruits and the rind of 3-4 lemons (use only the peel and make sure all fruit is organic) 2. Place them in a pan and cover with water about 3 inches above the peel 3. Put a lid on the pot (a glass lid is best but a metal one will work) 4. Let it simmer for about 2 hours 5. Do not take the lid off the pot until it cools completely (this prevents the quinine from escaping with the steam) 6. Remove the peels. Most people take 1 tablespoon of the liquid every couple of hours until they feel better 7. You can add honey to sweeten it, since it will be bitter
11/15/2023 11:42:44 pm
Patty and I used your formula while we had our first and second rounds of Covid. We are convinced it helped along with the Zinc you noted. Patty did get long Covid and had to take a lot of other stuff to help her overcome it, but the formula drink you recommend continued to be very helpful.
Angela Law
11/16/2023 09:10:14 am
Bob, this is wonderfu to hear! Thanks for sharing it...we know for ourselves too and have had others say the same thing! Amazing how nature has us covered—if we only knew!! =D
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