Larry A. Law
On November 30, 2020, a team of 22 international scientists published a scathing review challenging the scientific paper on PCR testing for SARS-CoV-2 written by (among others) Christian Drosten, PhD, and Victor Corman. The Corman-Drosten paper had been quickly accepted by the World Health Organization (WHO), and the workflow descibed therein was adopted as the standard across the world.
As you can see, getting a positive with this PCR test is meaningless. The test cannot reliably indicate active infection. There is absolutely no justification for the social measures taken since they were based on this incorrect test. It's also interesting that an hour after Joe Biden's inauguration on January 20, 2021, the WHO suddenly lowered the recommended PCR CT. The ridiculously high CT rate had assured false positive outcomes with the majority of PCR tests performed during 2020. When they reduced the PCR cycles in 2021, new "cases" dropped 60% from 250,000 per day to 100,000, in January 2021. In addition, hospitalization rates associated with COVID quickly dropped from 132,500 Americans in January to 71,500 Americans in February. The narrative surrounding this sharp drop was attributed to vaccines, masks, and social distancing. No one mentioned the change made by the recalibration of PCR tests mandated by the WHO.
Ben Franklin stated: "Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety." Here we are again facing the amped-up fear-mongering. Mask and vaccine mandates are being pushed relentlessly by those unwilling to address any opposition in a credible debate with valid scientists, virologists and researchers. They refuse to allow any discussion and resort to name calling, smear tactics, and censure for anyone trying to have the dialog. There are real forces working to destroy personal liberty and freedom of speech here in the United States and other countries where liberty-loving people live. Discrimination against those who choose to remain unvaccinated and rely on the amazing immune system God designed, is becoming as dark and evil as any racial and sexual discrimination now or in the past. Unvaccinated people are being blamed for killing others. There is absolutely no scientific basis for making such a claim. Around the world unvaccinated people are being targeted and refused entry into stores, restaurants, planes, buses and many other normal life activities. Denying equal access to employement is also a sure sign of socialism. The politically correct narrative surrounding vaccinations has managed to descend to the lowest denominators of discrimination. Verbal abuse and confrontation are encouraged by a system intent on forcing everyone to comply.
Marxist and socialist agendas use whatever divisive issue to encourage confrontation, anger, and violence. By dividing the country into the good-guys who follow and obey what they mandate and the bad-guys who resist, they seek to destroy the principles of freedom embedded in the Constitution and Declaration of Independence. When seeking for power and control, anything divisive will serve their purpose. They are using mass vaccinations to sew seeds of hate. They want to use Critical Race Theory (CRT) to denigrate the Constitution and criticize it as an instrument to ensure the superiority of the white race. Race becomes the prism through which all aspects of American life are analyzed and criticized. CRT seeks to replace the traditional narrative celebrating the miraculous founding of America as a glorious bastion of freedom enshrined by it's founding documents. They reject the greatness of an America dedicated to radiating truth to the world as it shines as a beacon of light protecting the rights of every individual who legally comes within its borders. These types of socialist and marxist forces are making great in-roads into the highest levels of the government, the military, and our educational system. The oath I swore as an officer in the United States Air Force was to "support and defend the Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic." I understood foreign enemies but I never envisioned the day would come when I would see domestic enemies flaunting their anti-American views coddled by a kept and compromised media. They used to be wolves in sheep's clothing but the clothing has come off and the fangs are now in clear view. Abortion advocates chant, "my body, my rights; my body, my choice" as justification to keep governmental control off of women's bodies. But now many of those same chanters have no problem forcing innoculations into people who do not want them. Mandated vaccinations are forced injections--it is akin to rape made legal by an immoral government. When good people turn a blind eye to the trampling of human rights in a minority, we are in a very sad situation. Here is a United States Senator Rand Paul with a 3-minute video issuing the call for all of us to stand up against tyranny. An excellent book that documents Marxism's goal of conquest and commitment to destroy the American way of life is Matthew Lohmeier's book, Irresistible Revolution. It is imperative that we discern the signs of the time and understand the hidden forces maneuvering for control of the free world. All along the watchtower, we need men and women watching and willing to sound a warning voice. Mandatory vaccinations and CRT are just the beginning. The time to stop these efforts is now before it is too late. It's time to get involved. Find your local groups and/or national groups and get your voice heard. Feel free to email us [email protected] if you'd like to know the organizations we are supporting. And, as always if you want the best immune function and are not feeling yours is up to par, we are more than happy to help with that too. Just let us know.
Kathy Eger
8/17/2021 10:00:13 am
Right on, Larry!!
Tom Ullrich
8/17/2021 05:40:33 pm
Thanks Larry....Keep up the good work. We need to wake the sheep. Why don't people just get off their butts & start looking for the truth? Starting with people in my Ward!!!
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