Larry A. Law
A tweet featured in an article published by Brownstone Institute quoted a Carnegie Mellon University mathematician, Wesley Pegden, who said, "The head of the agency responsible for providing Americans with accurate and trustworthy information about interventions...should not be making fabricated quantitative statements in support of poorly evidenced ones." Walensky's tweet is blatant deception that coincidently aligns with the CDC's irrational statements published on their website: "Cloth masks will not protect you from wildfire smoke...They might not catch small, harmful particles in smoke that can harm your health." So, are we supposed to believe that masks somehow catch a virus that is 25 times smaller than a smoke particle? Steve Kirsch, executive director of the Vaccine Safety Research Foundation states, "So it's like trying to stop a mosquito with a chain link fence." If it makes you feel safer, go ahead and wear the mask but don't mandate the wearing of it upon the rest of us who actually follow the science.
Besides masks' lack of effectiveness, they have several potential hazards. Researchers in Germany documented significant adverse effects: decreased blood oxygen saturation, increased heart rate, increased respiratory rate, difficulty breathing and shortness of breath, increase in blood carbon dioxide, feelings of exhaustion, dizziness, headache, drowsiness, itching, acne, skin lesions, bacterial growth on the damp and warm parts of the mask itself, and a decrease in empathy perception. Mask-induced exhaustion syndrome is especially prevalent in children and pregnant women or those sick or suffering from respiratory chronic conditions. Suppression of your immune system's ability to protect you is a real risk.
Besides these physical problems, the psychological issues can be even worse. The story of the Brazilian slave Escrava Anastacia who was forced to wear a metal, muzzle-like mask during her lifetime to silence her from speaking out about oppression and injustice is a good example of what masking people represents. Forcing people to wear a mask represents a similar symbol of medical tyranny and enslavement to many. A mask reduces verbal output, deletes facial expressions, inhibits nonverbal communication, conceals identity rendering us alien to others and ourselves, erases personhood and homogenizes the masses, leads to oxygen deprivation resulting in physical and mental weakness, promotes a culture of fear, makes our neighbor a nameless pathogenic vector instead of a friendly human ally, is a visible symbol of allegiance to a system of medicalized technocratic control, and ultimately is a symbol of submission in a master-slave dynamic. We are created in the image of God. He does not wear a mask. He created our immune system which is completely capable of protecting us.
So, it's clear wearing a mask to prevent the next COVID-19 mutation will not work any better than it worked the first time. The latest variant is B1.1.529 and has been labeled with the Greek letter Omicron (O). This new O variant was first identified in Botswana but has now shown up in South Africa. While the current Delta variant had two mutations on its glycoprotein receptor binding site, this new variant has 10 mutations on the ACE2 receptor. It has 30 other mutations on the spike protein, but those ten on the receptor are the most serious ones. The COVID-19 vaccines were built around the original single SARS-CoV-2 spike protein. They were grossly ineffective against the two Delta mutations. Scientists describe these 10 mutations as "horrific" because it is quite possible the current vaccines will be utterly useless against it. The only real protection will be with those who are unvaccinated and developed natural immunity by catching an actual case of COVID-19. Natural immunity is far more robust and offers absolute protection against the Delta variant. The CDC has no record of someone with natural immunity getting COVID a second time or transmitting it to anyone. There were no recorded breakthrough cases like those occurring with the vaccinated. There is good news coming out of Africa which is not being reported by the mainstream media. The doctors in South Africa who discovered the new variant report that the Omicron Variant symptoms are very mild in most people (a cough, fatigue for a few days) just like a cold. Nothing to worry about unless you're a vaccine manufacturer holding the bag with billions of ineffective COVID-19 vaccine jabs.
The truth about early, non-vaccine treatments which are effective against all coronaviruses is getting out. More and more frontline doctors are aware of how to utilize trusted therapeutics early in the disease process. These approaches have a proven safety and efficacy track record. The medical establishment (NIH, CDC, WHO) continues to ignore these early treatment modalities that prevent, treat, mitigate, and cure virtually all COVID-19 cases. Their pharmaceutical focus sees only money-making vaccines as a way to save the world. But the truth is being published far and wide by thousands of doctors committed to true healing. They are not tied at the hip to the vaccine manufacturers. Governor DeSantis in Florida is a great example of bucking the NIH approach of ignoring patients until they are sick enough to be hospitalized. He is all about implementing early treatment. He was ridiculed by a September 2021 Vanity Fair headline as "an angel of death" for refusing to lockdown his state and mandate the wearing of masks. But Florida sailed through the Delta variant while other states like Michigan and New York who relied on fear mongering and tyrannical mandating of masks, social distancing, and vaccinations failed dismally to turn the tide of new COVID-19 cases. This week Florida reported the lowest number of coronavirus cases in the nation! They have only 6 cases per 100,000 people and this represents a 2% decrease in the last two weeks. This is from a state with a significantly higher number of more vulnerable, elderly citizens. Clearly they are doing something right in Florida. It is remarkable what early therapeutic treatments can do; but is anyone from the mainstream media talking about this? Of course not. They are myopically intent on generating more fear about the new variant appearing in Africa rather than informing the public about real treatment solutions. If you haven't purchased Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s book, The Real Anthony Fauci, click here. It is easy to read and full of documented information. Kennedy describes how the NIH, AMA, and CDC stifled COVID-19 early treatment discussion, that resulted in at least 500,000 unnecessary deaths in the United States because of their fixation on waiting for vaccines. There is no need to be afraid of the never-ending coronavirus mutations. Colds (which are coronaviruses) mutate all the time and we get through them. There are real solutions for COVID-19 that can completely protect you from any viral infection. You do not need to depend upon an experimental vaccine to keep you safe from a coronavirus. On a related subject, many researchers know that the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) run by the CDC can be a nightmare to navigate. It is intentionally clunky and difficult and the CDC is not interested in making it user-friendly. But some extraordinary individuals have taken all the federal reports and made them easily searchable. The site is called OpenVAERS and they provide powerful "Red Box Summaries" of COVID vaccine injuries weekly. The information is so clearly informative that Facebook and Instagram have programmed their artificial intelligence to censor screenshots from OpenVAERS to protect the Big Pharma cartel. But you can go there directly and see what Big Tech, the NIH, and CDC hope to keep hidden from the American public. As of this week, VAERS documents nearly 30,000 total deaths due to COVID-19 vaccines. There were 175,000 total reported hospitalizations and nearly 900,000 adverse events all attributed to the COVID-19 vaccines. People injured by the shots who try to share their story are immediately censored by social media. Vaccines are safe and effective? Just ask these families.
11/29/2021 08:23:55 pm
Larry, it saddens, and yes, even angers and scares me when you purposely omit information that conflicts with your personal opinions. You completely overlooked this statement from the research article you are using as "proof" that wearing masks are in effect useless in protecting people from contracting Covid - "However, the study provides evidence that interventions promoting mask use can reduce community SARS-CoV-2 transmission even when fewer than half of community members wear masks. If the results are valid, they imply that near-universal mask wearing would be associated with much larger reductions in transmission." This paragraph directly contradicts your opinion that masks are practically useless in preventing the spread of Covid-19. Granted it's only one study and they're using non-committal statements which are typical of these types of studies but it's more honest information than what you're portraying it states. People are dying all over the world from this virus. Countries like Italy closed down way before the United States did in an effort to save their citizens. It isn't a conspiracy theory but it's been highjacked and weaponized as one. I'm grateful that the Prophet and President of our Church is a world renowned man of medical science and that his first counselor is a constitutional law expert. They have set the example and encouraged everyone in the world to get vaccinated, wear masks, socially distance etc in order to stop this pandemic. They have been divinely appointed to lead our church in these latter days. I know you to be a good and decent man and I wish you the best but you are traveling a treacherous and dangerous road. Please, please stop promoting misinformation that can hurt and kill people.
Louis L
11/30/2021 06:36:40 am
All data can be skewed to align with a given viewpoint by a skilled enough statistician. In this instance I think we are dealing with more than worldly figures. Thank you Larry, for your strong faith and divine discernment to see through the deception that is being spewed by the MSM, and your courage, wisdom and work ethic to bring fact and evidence based information to those who will receive it.
Larry Law
11/30/2021 09:51:30 pm
Jo—it is so nice to have someone with differing opinions share their thoughts in a sincere and courteous manner—it is a rare treat so thank you.
DJ Ruth
12/4/2021 04:39:35 am
Larry -
Les Eby
11/30/2021 01:00:17 pm
God Bless you Larry for the hard work you do. Thanks so much for the research, the stats you bring in your letters. I am sorry that so many supposedly informed people don't always see the light. And it is terrible that some stats are skewed to suit the lying narrative. Just the facts, like that guy said years ago on the TV show. I don't remember what the show was called.
12/3/2021 01:02:42 pm
Les Eby; it was Sgt. Joe Friday from the 1950's DRAGNET show.! I remember watching it with my Dad.....and good one! We should all live by "Just the Facts"
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