Larry A. Law
Dr. Rochelle Walensky, head of the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) admitted on Good Morning America on January 10th, that "the overwhelming number of deaths, over 75% (78%) occurred in people who had at least four comorbidities. So, really, these are people who were unwell to begin with." On Sunday, 9 Jan 2022, Fox News anchor Bret Baier asked her how many of the 836,000 COVID deaths were "with COVID" as opposed to "from COVID." These were great questions the CDC has always avoided. In a 26 May 2020 article on Coronavirus: Ten Things to Know (see point #7), I wrote how the government changed the reporting rules on COVID deaths to inflate the numbers and artificially create a fear-based pandemic to promote and sell a vaccine. Actual deaths from COVID were estimated to be as low as 6% of what was being cataloged. That means the pandemic in the United States resulted in 50,000 deaths--something on par with a typical flu season. It is certainly not a worldwide pandemic requiring the tyrannical initiatives western countries like Australia, Canada, and the United States have employed. What Walensky's comments mean is that of those who actually die, most of them (nearly 80%) are already really sick with 4 or more non-COVID diseases.
In addition to Dr. Walensky's admission that the sick and the elderly represent the vast majority of COVID deaths, the CDC over Christmas updated their guidelines for isolation from 10 days to only 5. They admitted that the PCR test can remain positive for up to 12 weeks after recovery from an infection; also that the vast majority of viral transmissions (85% to 90%) occurs in the first day or two before symptom onset and lasts only two to three days after symptom onset. Apparently, the CDC didn't realize the PCR test was picking up dead viral debris three months after the infection. The test was generating false positives 90% of the time. They ignored this during the pandemic. I wrote about this a year ago (19 January 2021) in an article entitled Flaws in Coronavirus Testing and again on 16 August 2021 in an article The Truth About PCR Testing. All of this goes to show that if the PCR test can register positive for 12 weeks after an infection, it isn't a very reliable indicator of infectiousness--which is precisely what the inventor of the PCR test (Kary Mullis) has said all along. So, we have used a test for the last 2 years that cannot tell us if we have an active case of COVID. And the new Rapid Test apparently doesn't pick up Omicron very well. So, the government's promise to distribute half a billion rapid tests around the country in 2022 won't be very helpful. The shifting CDC guidelines are as unreliable as Dr. Fauci. The CDC is becoming less and less dependable for real science.
One last item involves main stream reporting. On December 20, 2021, the U.S. press went wild reporting the first Omicron death in the United States. It was reported that a man in Houston, TX was reinfected with Omicron even though he had recovered from COVID earlier. The press used this as proof that natural immunity doesn't work against this variant. But that was false. The county health department could not confirm that the patient died "from" Omicron infection--only that he had tested positive for it at some time before his death from other underlying health conditions.
More and more data is emerging showing those who are double- or triple-jabbed are two to five times more likely to develop secondary infections when infected with Omicron than the unvaccinated (who have a 1.17% risk of secondary infection with Omicron compared to Delta). Along this line, my friend John sent me a report from the UK that shows vaccines have damaged the natural immune system of those who have been double-vaccinated. The double-vaccinated will never be able to acquire full, natural immunity to COVID variants or possibly other viruses. We already know that COVID vaccines do not prevent infection or transmission of the virus. It is also becoming clearer that vaccinated adults are more likely to be infected than unvaccinated. The vaccine seems to interfere with the body's ability to make antibodies after infection; that is, not only against the COVID spike protein but against the nucleocapsid protein (the envelope of the virus). This outer envelope is a crucial part of the immune response generated by the unvaccinated and serves to make their natural immunity far more powerful than the limited vaccinated response.
With all these problems in need of solutions, one would think that Dr. Fauci ought to direct the majority of research dollars from the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) towards fighting and solving COVID issues. Unfortunately, I was sad to learn that the NIH paid over $200,000 during the coronavirus pandemic for researchers to inject male monkeys with female hormones to study why transgender women have high rates of HIV. Since Americans are struggling to find reliable COVID tests and standing in long lines to get tested, shouldn't Dr. Fauci be solving those issues with U.S. taxpayer money? To learn more about The Real Anthony Fauci click on this link to order the book and discover for yourself his true character.
Mary M Parker
1/18/2022 10:32:43 am
Good article, Larry. It has all been a bit confusing when we listen to the news (which is totally unreliable) and try to square things with what Pres. Nelson has done. I guess I haven't prayed about it enough, and now I am one of those with "three jabs" and a bad immune system. Oh well. I am looking forward to being "on the other side" anyway.
sherelle zulliger
1/18/2022 06:24:35 pm
I thank you for all your truths and advice throughout this whole pandemic mess. I stayed unvaccinated for long time, caught it from my grandson living in an apartment underneath the so end of our house. Although I stayed on the north end of our house I am on a drug that makes my immune system very fragile and I guess breathing the air from that far away got me. Fortunately I had the hydroxy and ivermectin and they worked a miracle. My husband has got it now from me but he is not suffering bad symptoms. We are both fine and thank you so much for your advice. Dr. McCullough write an article in the new news paper the EPOCH TIMES about all the things Larry has been trying to get out and about the fact that ZERO treatments has been given to fighting the covid they have only put effort into vaccines. and hidden the truth about how there are a lot of good drugs to fight it with.
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